Friday, June 24, 2011

Gearing Up for Year Two

Summer for teachers isn't just about sunbathing and vacations. (Although I have had an incredible summer so far; I got married and went on a wonderful honeymoon.) I have already spent quite a bit of time preparing for the coming school year. I have spent time in my classroom visualizing how to change the physical setup to better suit the environment and my expectations. I have also spent time just thinking. How can I change my approach to behavior management? How can I make my lessons more effective? How can I better differentiate my instruction so that each student is getting the education that they need and deserve?

All of these questions are part of the preparation that goes into the second year of teaching (and the third, fourth, fifth, tenth, and twentieth years). It is a constant re-evaluation of your procedures and techniques so that you are always evolving, always growing, always  improving. I don't ever want to become stagnant. I want to try new things even if it means falling down along the way. I will learn from my mistakes and get right back up to try again.

I am so excited to see what the new year brings....although I still have much more preparation to do.

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